Publications: IEG Commercial Buildings
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Seppänen, Olli, William J Fisk, and David Faulkner."Cost benefit analysis of the night-time ventilative cooling in office building."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, December 7-11, 2003
3 (2003) 394-399.
Fisk, William J, Olli Seppänen, David Faulkner, and Yu Joe Huang."Economizer system cost effectiveness: Accounting for the influence of ventilation rate on sick leave."Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings 2003 Conference, December 7-11, 2003
3 (2003) 361-367.
Hodgson, Alfred T, David Faulkner, Douglas P Sullivan, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Marion L Russell, and William J Fisk."Effect of Outside Air Ventilation Rate on Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations in a Call Center."Atmospheric Environment
37.39-40 (2003) 5517-5528. DOI
Gadgil, Ashok J, Christian Lobscheid, Marc O Abadie, and Elizabeth U Finlayson."Indoor Pollutant Mixing Time in an Isothermal Closed Room: An investigation using CFD."Atmospheric Environment
37.39-40 (2003) 5577-5586. DOI
Finlayson, Elizabeth U, Buvaneswari Jayaraman, Astrid H Kristoffersen, and Ashok J Gadgil."CFD Analysis of LLNL Downdraft Table."
Apte, Michael G, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Alfred T Hodgson, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Derek G Shendell, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Simultaneous Energy Savings and IEQ Improvements in Relocatable Classrooms."
(2003) 13. DOI
Shendell, Derek G, Richard J Prill, William J Fisk, Michael G Apte, David Blake, and David Faulkner."Associations between classroom CO2 concentrations and student attendance."
Mora, Laurent, Ashok J Gadgil, and Etienne Wurtz."Comparing zonal and CFD models of air flows in large indoor spaces to experimental data."Indoor Air
13 (2003) 77-85.
Black, Douglas R, Tracy L Thatcher, William W Delp, Elisabeth A Derby, Sheng-Chieh Chang, and Richard G Sextro."Data summary report of commercial building experiments in Salt Lake City, UT from May 17 to June 10, 2002."
Alevantis, Leon E, Jeff Wagner, William J Fisk, Douglas P Sullivan, David Faulkner, Lara A Gundel, Jed M Waldman, and Peter Flessel."Designing for Smoking Rooms."ASHRAE Journal
45 (2003) 26-32.
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, Douglas P Sullivan, and William W Delp."Outdoor airflow into HVAC systems: An evaluation of measurement technologies."
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, Jari Palonen, and Olli Seppänen."Performance and Costs of Particle Air Filtration in HVAC Supply Airstreams."HPAC Engineering
75.7 (2003) 24-36.
Thatcher, Tracy L, David J Wilson, Emily E Wood, Mathias J Craig, and Richard G Sextro."Pollutant Dispersion in a Large Indoor Space: Part 1 -- Scaled experiments using a water-filled model with occupants and furniture."Indoor Air
14 (2003) 258-271.
Price, Phillip N, Michael D Sohn, Ashok J Gadgil, William W Delp, David M Lorenzetti, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Tracy L Thatcher, Richard G Sextro, Elisabeth A Derby, and Sondra A Jarvis."Protecting Buildings From a Biological or Chemical Attack: actions to take before or during a release."
Sohn, Michael D, Richard G Sextro, Ashok J Gadgil, and Joan M Daisey."Responding to Sudden Pollutant Releases in Office Buildings: 1. Framework and Analysis Tools."Indoor Air
13 (2003) 267-276.
Apte, Michael G, Alfred T Hodgson, Derek G Shendell, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Simultaneous Improvements in Relocatable Classrooms."ASHRAE IAQ Applications
(2003) 7-10.
Fisk, William J, Phillip N Price, David Faulkner, Douglas P Sullivan, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Clifford C Federspiel, Gao Liu, and Maureen Lahiff."Worker productivity and ventilation rate in a call center: Analyses of time-series data for a group of registered nurses."
Mendell, Mark J, William J Fisk, Kathleen Kreiss, Hal Levin, Darryl Alexander, William S Cain, John R Girman, Cynthia J Hines, Paul A Jensen, Donald K Milton, Larry P Rexroat, and Kenneth M Wallingford."Improving the health of workers in indoor environments: priority research needs for a national occupational research agenda."Am J Public Health
92.9 (2002) 1430-1440.
Kumar, Satish, and William J Fisk."IEQ and the Impact on Employee Sick Leave."ASHRAE Journal
44 (2002) 97-98.
Mendell, Mark J, William J Fisk, Marty R Petersen, Cynthia J Hines, Maxia Dong, David Faulkner, James A Deddens, Avima M Ruder, Douglas P Sullivan, and Mark F Boeniger."Indoor Particles and Symptoms Among Office Workers: Results from a Double-Blind Cross-Over Study."Epidemiology
13.3 (2002) 296-304.
Fisk, William J, Gail Brager, Martha Brook, Harriet A Burge, James Cole, James B Cummings, Hal Levin, Vivian Loftness, Terrence Logee, Mark J Mendell, Andrew K Persily, Steven T Taylor, and Jianshun Zhang."A priority agenda for energy-related indoor environmental quality research."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
2 (2002) 984-989.
Apte, Michael G, Alfred T Hodgson, Derek G Shendell, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, Toshifumi Hotchi, Satish Kumar, Seung-Min Lee, Shawna M Liff, Leo I Rainer, Richard C Schmidt, Douglas P Sullivan, Richard C Diamond, and William J Fisk."Energy and Indoor Environmental Quality in Relocatable Classrooms."Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
II (2002) 62-69.
Fisk, William J, Gail Brager, Harriet A Burge, James B Cummings, Hal Levin, Vivian Loftness, Mark J Mendell, Andrew K Persily, Steven T Taylor, and Jianshun Zhang."Energy-related indoor environmental quality research: A priority agenda."
McKone, Thomas E, Tracy L Thatcher, William J Fisk, Richard G Sextro, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, and William J Riley."Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors: existing data and data needs."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 176-181.
Shendell, Derek G, Dennis L DiBartolomeo, William J Fisk, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Seung-Min Lee, Douglas P Sullivan, Michael G Apte, and Leo I Rainer."Final methodology for a field study of indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency in new relocatable classrooms in Northern California."