About Us

Who We Are

Indoor Environment at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab performs cutting-edge research to advance health, productivity and energy efficiency in the built environment.

We work hard to expand our understanding of pollutant sources and dynamics, and to inform the development and deployment of energy-efficient ventilation and air cleaning technologies with the goal of reducing exposures in homes, commercial buildings and other modern human habitats.

What We Do

Utilizing funding from a variety of sources, including government and industry, we focus on nine research areas:

  • Healthy Homes
  • Commercial Buildings
  • Health and Productivity
  • Ventilation and Air Cleaning
  • Pollutant Sources and Exposures
  • Smoking and Vaping
  • Air Quality Sensors
  • Chem-Bio Preparedness
  • Cookstoves

Visiting and Getting in Touch

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) is one of 17 National Labs operated by the Department of Energy. The Lab is located in a secure area above the University of California, Berkeley, campus. Visitors must have a sponsor to enter the site.

Address & Phone / Fax

Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division
Energy Technologies Area
1 Cyclotron Road, MS 90R4000
Berkeley, CA 94720

Phone: (510) 486-6650

Fax: (510) 486-6996


A scientist or staff member must sponsor your visit to Berkeley Lab. For more information, including how to get here, building access, gate information and more, please visit: ps.lbl.gov/site-access/

Maps and Directions to Berkeley Lab


Locate an Employee

Berkeley Lab Staff Directory: phonebook.lbl.gov
Energy Technologies Area Staff Directory: eta.lbl.gov/staff
Indoor Environment Staff: indoor.lbl.gov/people