Brett Singer

Brett Singer

Brett C. Singer is a Staff Scientist and Principal Investigator (PI) in the Energy Technologies Area of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Singer is the Leader of the Indoor Environment Group

and co-leader of Indoor Air Quality research in the Residential Building Systems Group.

Dr. Singer has conceived, conducted and led research projects related to air pollutant emissions, physical-chemical processes, and pollutant exposures in both outdoor and indoor environments. His research aims to understand the real world processes and systems that affect air pollutant exposures. His guiding professional motivation is to provide the scientific basis to inform energy and environmental policy.

Dr. Singer leads the Indoor Environmental Quality project within the US-China Clean Energy Research Center Building Energy Efficiency Program.

A major focus of Dr. Singer’s work over the past decade has been the study of environmental quality and risk reduction in high performance homes. The goal of this research is to accelerate the adoption of IAQ, comfort, durability and sustainability measures into new homes and retrofits of existing homes. This is achieved through the mechanisms of buildings codes and standards; training of builders and contractors; public education; and technology development – all supported by robust research. The IE and RBS research groups conduct in-home studies, controlled laboratory experiments, simulation-based studies and data analysis to identify the most effective and energy efficient air quality control strategies.

Dr. Singer’s early career research examined on-road motor vehicle emissions and the effectiveness of California’s Smog Check program. His first project at LBNL examined the sorption of secondhand smoke compounds, an effect that contaminates materials and leads to extended odors and pollutant exposures. This work helped launch interest in the study of “thirdhand” smoke.

Dr. Singer has authored or co-authored over 50 papers in archival, peer-reviewed journals and dozens of technical reports and peer-reviewed conference papers.

Education and Honors:

2016: Named to the Academy of Fellows of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

1998: Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

1991: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Temple University (Summa cum Laude).

Contact Information

Phone: 510-486-4779


Spot: Brett Singer -  January 31st 2022

Under circumstances involving short timeline, critical stakeholders, and need for clear and delicate communication, Brett worked round the clock for several weeks to deliver a product highly praised by DOE.

Societal Impact Award -  October 4th 2019

2019 Societal Impact

Citation: In recognition of the Residential Ventilation Team’s scientific research and development of technologies, practices, and standards for residential ventilation that have made millions of homes healthier and more comfortable.

Spot: Brett Singer -  May 17th 2019

Brett's effort benefited the public in a way that really matters. His impact is a testimony to the Lab's mission of bringing science solutions to the world and allowed all of us to breathe easier.

2018 Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement: Societal Impact -  August 8th 2018

This multidisciplinary and cross-divisional team is honored for decade-long research accomplishments culminating in their discovery that thirdhand smoke, a new tobacco hazard, increases lung cancer risk in mice. This achievement is vital for protecting and improving public health nationwide.

Green Leadership Award -  May 1st 2018

The Lab's Energy Technologies Area (ETA) was highlighted for innovative breakthroughs in the energy efficiency category for research aimed at helping California meet its zero net energy (ZNE) building goals, while ensuring adequate indoor air quality and ventilation.

Journal and Editorial Board Memberships

Indoor Air, Editorial Board
