Publications: EAEI Healthy & Efficient Buildings
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Quici, Natalia, Daria Kibanova, María L Vera, Hyeok Choi, Dionysios D Dionysiou, Marta I Litter, Javiera Cervini-Silva, Alfred T Hodgson, and Hugo Destaillats."Investigation of Key Parameters Influencing the Efficient Photocatalytic Oxidation of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)."Indoor Air 2008
Jakober, Chris A, Michael A Robert, Sarah G Riddle, Hugo Destaillats, M. M Judith Charles, Peter G Green, and Michael J Kleeman."Carbonyl Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles."Environmental Science and Technology
42.13 (2008) 4697-4703. DOI
Amrose, Susan, G. G Theodore Kisch, Charles Kirubi, Jesse Woo, and Ashok J Gadgil."Development and Testing of the Berkeley Darfur Stove."
Hauschild, Michael Z, Till M Bachman, Mark Huijbregts, Olivier Jolliet, Annette Kohler, Henrik F Larsen, Manuele D Margni, Thomas E McKone, Matthew Macleod, Dik van de Meent, Marta Schuhmacher, and Ralph K Rosenbaum."International consensus model for comparative assessment of chemical emissions in LCA."International Academy for Production Engineering 15th International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, March 17-19, 2008
(2008) 291-296.
Coleman, Beverly K, Hugo Destaillats, Alfred T Hodgson, and William W Nazaroff."Ozone consumption and byproduct formation from surface reaction with common materials in aircraft passenger cabins."Atmospheric Environment
42.4 (2008) 642-654. DOI
Holder, Amara L, Donald Lucas, Regine Goth-Goldstein, and Catherine P Koshland."Cellular Response to Diesel Exhaust Particles Strongly Depends on the Exposure Method."Toxicological Sciences
103.1 (2008) 108-115. DOI
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, and Douglas P Sullivan."A Pilot study of the accuracy of CO2 sensors in commercial buildings."IAQ 2007 Healthy and Sustainable Buildings
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, and Douglas P Sullivan."Accuracy of CO2 sensors."IAQ Applications
9 (2008) 15-17.
Buchanan, Ian S, Mark J Mendell, Anna G Mirer, and Michael G Apte."Air Filter Materials, Outdoor Ozone and Building-Related Symptoms in the BASE Study."Indoor Air
18 (2008) 144-155.
Sreedharan, Priya, William W Nazaroff, and Ashok J Gadgil."Bayesian based design of real-time sensor systems for high-risk indoor contaminants."Mechanical Engineering
(2008) 350.
Hauschild, Michael Z, Mark Huijbregts, Olivier Jolliet, Matthew Macleod, Manuele D Margni, Dik van de Meent, Ralph K Rosenbaum, and Thomas E McKone."Building a model based on scientific consensus for Life Cycle Impact Assessment of Chemicals: the Search for Harmony and Parsimony."Environmental Science and Technology
42 (2008) 7032-7037.
Price, Phillip N, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Carbon Sequestration Risks and Risk Management."
Fisk, William J."Commentary on Predictive Models of Control Strategies involved in Containing Indoor Airborne Infections."Indoor Air
16 (2008) 469-481.
White, Richard M, Justin Black, Michael G Apte, and Lara A Gundel."Development of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter Monitor."
Chan, Wanyu R, William W Nazaroff, Phillip N Price, and Ashok J Gadgil."Effectiveness of Urban Shelter-in-Place III: Urban Districts."Building Simulation
1 (2008) 144-157.
Addy, Susan E, Ashok J Gadgil, and Susan Amrose."Electrochemical Arsenic Remediation for Rural Bangladesh."Physics
(2008) 292.
Shehabi, Arman, Srirupa Ganguly, Kim Traber, Hillary Price, Arpad Horvath, William W Nazaroff, and Ashok J Gadgil."Energy Implications of Economizer Use in California Data Centers."
Gadgil, Ashok J, Yasmina Zaidman, and Thomas Goreau."Improving Drinking Water through Innovative Technologies and Business Models."Innovative New Technologies for Sustainable Development and Reversing Climate Change
Apte, Michael G, Norman Bourassa, David Faulkner, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, Michael Spears, Douglas P Sullivan, and Duo Wang."Improving Ventilation and Saving Energy: Final Report on Indoor Environmental Quality and Energy Monitoring in Sixteen Relocatable Classrooms."
Destaillats, Hugo, Randy L Maddalena, Brett C Singer, Alfred T Hodgson, and Thomas E McKone."Indoor pollutants emitted by office equipment: A review of reported data and information needs."Atmospheric Environment
42 (2008) 1371-1388.
Maddalena, Randy L, and Thomas E McKone."Insecticide Exposures on Commercial Aircraft: A Literature Review and Screening Level Assessment."
Fisk, William J, and Douglas P Sullivan."Measuring Outdoor Air Intake Rates Using Electronic Velocity Sensors at Louvers and Downstream of Airflow Straighteners."
Wiberg, Karin, Annika Aberg, Thomas E McKone, Mats Tysklind, Annika Hanberg, and Matthew Macleod."Model selection and evaluation for risk assessment of dioxin contaminated sites."Ambio
36 (2008) 458-466.
Apte, Michael G, Ian S Buchanan, and Mark J Mendell."Outdoor Ozone and Building Related Symptoms in the BASE Study."Indoor Air
18 (2008) 156-170.
Bhangar, Seema, Shannon Cowlin, Brett C Singer, Richard G Sextro, and William W Nazaroff."Ozone levels in passenger cabins of commercial aircraft on North American and transoceanic routes."Environmental Science and Technology
42.11 (2008) 3938-43. DOI