Publications By Research Area
Tang, Hao, Wanyu R Chan, and Michael D Sohn."Automating the interpretation of PM2.5 time‐resolved measurements using a data‐driven approach."Indoor Air
31.3 (2021) 860 - 871. DOI
Wang, Yungang, Michael D Sohn, Yilun Wang, Kathleen M Lask, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Ashok J Gadgil."How many replicate tests are needed to test cookstove performance and emissions? – Three is not adequate."Energy for Sustainable Development
20 (2014) 21-29. DOI
Apte, Michael G, Mark J Mendell, Michael D Sohn, Spencer M Dutton, Pam M Berkeley, and Michael Spears."Final Report: Balancing energy conservation and occupant needs in ventilation rate standards for “Big Box” stores in California: predicted indoor air quality and energy consumption using a matrix of ventilation scenarios."
Schenker, Urs, Martin Scheringer, Michael D Sohn, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Konrad Hungerbühler."Using Information on Uncertainty to Improve Environmental Fate Modeling: A Case Study on DDT."Environmental Science and Technology
43.1 (2008) 128-134.
Sohn, Michael D, Michael G Apte, Richard G Sextro, and Alvin C.K Lai."Predicting Size-Resolved Particle Behavior in Multizone Buildings."Atmospheric Environment
41 (2007) 1473 -1482.
Maddalena, Randy L, Matthew Macleod, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Prospective Hazard Assessment and Sensitivity Analysis for Buckminsterfullerene in the Environment."
Jayaraman, Buvaneswari, Elizabeth U Finlayson, Michael D Sohn, Tracy L Thatcher, Phillip N Price, Emily E Wood, Richard G Sextro, and Ashok J Gadgil."Tracer Gas Transport under Mixed Convection Conditions in an Experimental Atrium: Comparison Between Experiments and CFD Predictions."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 5236-5250.
Sohn, Michael D, Richard G Sextro, and David M Lorenzetti."Assessing Sheltering-In-Place Responses to Outdoor Toxic Releases."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005, Sept. 4-9, 2005
2(6) (2005) 1792-1796.
Apte, Michael G, Lara A Gundel, S. S Katharine Hammond, Raymond L Dod, Marion L Russell, Brett C Singer, Michael D Sohn, Douglas P Sullivan, Gee-Minn Chang, and Richard G Sextro."Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke."
Maddalena, Randy L, Thomas E McKone, and Michael D Sohn."Standardized Approach for Developing Probabilistic Exposure Factor Distributions."Risk Analysis
24 (2004) 1185-1199.
McKone, Thomas E, Tracy L Thatcher, William J Fisk, Richard G Sextro, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, and William J Riley."Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors: existing data and data needs."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 176-181.
Sextro, Richard G, David M Lorenzetti, Michael D Sohn, and Tracy L Thatcher."Modeling the spread of anthrax in buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
4 (2002) 506-511.
Sohn, Michael D, Pamela Reynolds, Ashok J Gadgil, and Richard G Sextro."Rapidly Locating Sources And Predicting Contaminant Dispersion In Buildings."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
4 (2002) 211-216.
Thatcher, Tracy L, Thomas E McKone, William J Fisk, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, William J Riley, and Richard G Sextro."Factors Affecting the Concentration of Outdoor Particles Indoors (COPI): Identification of Data Needs and Existing Data."
Sohn, Michael D, Alvin C.K Lai, Brian V Smith, Richard G Sextro, Helmut E Feustel, and William W Nazaroff."Modeling aerosol behavior in multizone indoor environments."Proceedings of the Indoor Air '99, Edinburgh, Scotland
4 (1999) 785-790.