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Belleri, Annamaria, Spencer M Dutton, Ulrich Filippi Oberegger, and Roberto Lollini."A Sensitivity Analysis of Natural Ventilation Design Parameters for Non Residential Buildings."13th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association 25th - 28th August 2013
Scown, Corinne D, Michael Taptich, Arpad Horvath, Thomas E McKone, and William W Nazaroff."Achieving Deep Cuts in the Carbon Intensity of U.S. Automobile Transportation by 2050: Complementary Roles for Electricity and Biofuels."Environmental Science & Technology
47.16 (2013) 9044 - 9052. DOI
Mullen, Nasim A, Jina Li, and Brett C Singer."Participant Assisted Data Collection Methods in the California Healthy Homes Indoor Air Quality Study of 2011-13."
Wang, Yungang, Jiaoyan Huang, Philip K Hopke, Oliver V Rattigan, David C Chalupa, Mark J Utell, and Thomas M Holsen."Effect of the shutdown of a large coal-fired power plant on ambient mercury species."Chemosphere
92.4 (2013) 360-367. DOI
Maddalena, Randy L, Na Li, Alfred T Hodgson, Francis J Offermann, and Brett C Singer."Maximizing Information from Residential Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds."Healthy Buildings 2012 - 10th International Conference
Hang, Bo, Altaf H Sarker, Christopher Havel, Saikat Saha, Tapas K Hazra, Suzaynn F Schick, Peyton Jacob III, Virender Rehan, Ahmed Chenna, Divya Sharan, Mohamad Sleiman, Hugo Destaillats, and Lara A Gundel."Thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage in human cells."Mutagenesis
28.4 (2013) 381-391. DOI
Noris, Federico, William W Delp, Kimberly Vermeer, Gary Adamkiewicz, Brett C Singer, and William J Fisk."Protocol for maximizing energy savings and indoor environmental quality improvements when retrofitting apartments."Energy and Buildings
61 (2013) 378-386. DOI
Fisk, William J, Spencer M Dutton, Mark J Mendell, and Wanyu R Chan."Should Title 24 Ventilation Requirements Be Amended to include an Indoor Air Quality Procedure?."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Wenhao Chen, Agatha Chang, Robert Miller, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, William J Fisk, Kazukiyo Kumagai, and Hugo Destaillats."Formaldehyde Emissions from Ventilation Filters Under Different Relative Humidity Conditions."Environmental Science and Technology
47.10 (2013) 5336-5343. DOI
Rapp, Vi H, Albert Pastor-Perez, Brett C Singer, and Craig P Wray."Predicting Backdrafting and Spillage for Natural-Draft Gas Combustion Appliances: Validating VENT-II."
(2013). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jeffrey Joh, and Wanyu R Chan."Applying Large Datasets to Developing a Better Understanding of Air Leakage Measurement in Homes."International Journal of Ventilation
11.4 (2013) 323-338.
Fisk, William J, Usha Satish, Mark J Mendell, Toshifumi Hotchi, and Douglas P Sullivan."Is CO2 an Indoor Pollutant? Higher Levels of CO2 May Diminish Decision Making Performance."ASHRAE Journal
55.3 (2013) 84-85.
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N Turner."System Effects of High Efficiency Filters in Homes."ASHRAE Annual Conference
Bhangar, Seema, Brett C Singer, and William W Nazaroff."Calibration of the Ogawa Ozone Passive Sampler for Aircraft Cabins."Atmospheric Environment
65 (2013) 21-24. DOI
Rosseler, Olivier, Mohamad Sleiman, V Nahuel Montesinos, Andrey Shavorskiy, Valerie Keller, Nicolas Keller, Marta I Litter, Hendrik Bluhm, Miquel Salmeron, and Hugo Destaillats."Chemistry of NOx on TiO2 surfaces studied by ambient pressure XPS: products, effect of UV irradiation, water and coadsorbed K+."J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
4.3 (2013) 536-541. DOI
Parthasarathy, Srinandini, William J Fisk, and Thomas E McKone."Effect Of Ventilation On Chronic Health Risks In Schools And Offices."
Walker, Iain S, and Max H Sherman."Effect of Ventilation Strategies on Residential Ozone Levels."Building and Environment
59 (2013) 456–465. DOI
Wang, Yungang, and Philip K Hopke."A ten-year source apportionment study of ambient fine particulate matter in San Jose, California."Atmospheric Pollution Research
4 (2013) 398-404. DOI
Qian, Hua, and Yungang Wang."Application Analysis of Ground Source Heat Pumps in Building Space Conditioning."Energy for Sustainable Development
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, David Faulkner, and William J. N Turner."Energy Implications of In-‐Line Filtration in California."
Black, Douglas R, Steven Lanzisera, Judy Lai, Richard E Brown, and Brett C Singer."Evaluation of Miscellaneous and Electronic Device Energy Use in Hospitals."World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
10.1/2/3 (2013) 113-128. DOI
Dutton, Spencer M, Wanyu R Chan, Mark J Mendell, Marcella Barrios, Srinandini Parthasarathy, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Ekaterina Eliseeva, and William J Fisk."Evaluation of the Indoor Air Quality Procedure for Use in Retail Buildings."