Publications: Buildings
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White, Richard M, Igor Paprotny, Frederick Doering, Wayne E Cascio, Paul A Solomon, and Lara A Gundel."Sensors and ‘apps’ for community-based atmospheric monitoring."EM: The Magazine for Environmental Managers
May (2012) 36-40.
Kibanova, Daria, Mohamad Sleiman, Javiera Cervini-Silva, and Hugo Destaillats."Adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation of formaldehyde on a clay-TiO2 composite."Journal of Hazardous Materials
212-212 (2012) 233-239. DOI
Stratton, J Chris, and Iain S Walker."Health and Safety Guide for Home Performance Contractors."
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Changing Ventilation Rates in U.S. Offices: Implications for Health, Work Performance, Energy, and Associated Economics."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Hugo Destaillats, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Energy efficient indoor VOC air cleaning with activated carbon fiber (ACF) filters."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Holder, Amara L, Brietta J Carter, Regine Goth-Goldstein, Donald Lucas, and Catherine P Koshland."Increased Cytotoxicity of Oxidized Flame Soot."Atmospheric Pollution Research
3.1 (2012) 25-31. DOI
Scown, Corinne D, William W Nazaroff, Umakant Mishra, Bret Strogen, Agnes B Lobscheid, Eric R Masanet, Nicholas J Santero, Arpad Horvath, and Thomas E McKone."Lifecycle greenhouse gas implications of US national scenarios for cellulosic ethanol production."Environmental Research Letters
7.1 (2012) 014011. DOI
Brunswick, Samuel L, Spencer M Dutton, David W Banks, K Adams, and Philip Haves."A Framework for Estimating the Technical Potential of Natural Ventilation Renovations of Existing Commercial Buildings in California."SimBuild 2012, 5th National Conference of IBPSA-USA, August 1-3, 2012
Hu, Tianchao, Brett C Singer, and Jennifer M Logue."Compilation of Published PM2.5 Emission Rates for Cooking, Candles and Incense for Use in Modeling of Exposures in Residences."
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, and Tracy L Thatcher."Contribution of organic carbon to wood smoke particulate matter absorption of solar radiation."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
12.14 (2012) 6067-6072. DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Wang, Yungang, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Effect of Change in Cookstove Types on Visibility - Case Study of the Berkeley-Darfur Stove and Three-Stone Fire."
Booker, Kayje, Ashok J Gadgil, and David Winickoff."Engineering for the Global Poor: The Role of Intellectual Property."Science and Public Policy
39.6 (2012) 775-786. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Healthy Zero Energy Buildings (HZEB) Program– Interim Report on Cross‐Sectional Study of Contaminant Levels, Source Strengths, and Ventilation Rates in Retail Stores."
Mullen, Nasim A, Jina Li, and Brett C Singer."Impact of Natural Gas Appliances on Pollutant Levels in California Homes."
Destaillats, Hugo, Mohamad Sleiman, Douglas P Sullivan, Catherine Jacquiod, Jean Sablayrolles, and Laurent Molins."Key parameters influencing the performance of photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) air purification under realistic indoor conditions."Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
128 (2012) 159-170. DOI
Delp, William W, and Brett C Singer."Performance Assessment of U.S. Residential Cooking Exhaust Hoods."Environmental Science & Technology
46.11 (2012) 6167-6173. DOI
Maddalena, Randy L, Melissa M Lunden, Daniel L Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Jonathan L Slack, and Larry L Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Walker, Iain S, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Development of a Residential Integrated Ventilation Controller."
Logue, Jennifer M, Phillip N Price, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Why We Ventilate."2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st Tightvent Conference
Sleiman, Mohamad, George A Ban-Weiss, Haley E Gilbert, David François, Paul H Berdahl, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Hugo Destaillats, and Ronnen M Levinson."Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance—Part I: Analysis of roofing product databases."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
95.12 (2011) 3385-3399. DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Douglas R Black, and William W Delp."Support to DHS Chemical Detection Field Testing and Countermeasures Studies: Report to Sponsors."
Klug, Victoria L, Agnes B Lobscheid, and Brett C Singer."Cooking Appliance Use in California Homes – Data Collected from a Web-Based Survey."
Tonse, Shaheen R, and Brett C Singer."Natural Gas Variability In California: Environmental Impacts And Device Performance, Combustion Modeling of Pollutant Emissions From a Residential Cooking Range."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Douglas P Sullivan, Hugo Destaillats, and William J Fisk."Active and passive methods for indoor formaldehyde elimination."Indoor Air 2011