Publications: Buildings

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Lorenzetti, David M."Assessing multizone airflow simulation software."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, CA 1 (2002) 267-271.
Heath, Garvin A, and Mark J Mendell."Do Indoor Environments in Schools Influence Student Performance? A Review of the Literature."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA 1 (2002) 802-807.
Webb, A.M, William W Nazaroff, and Brett C Singer."Effect of gaseous ammonia on nicotine sorption."Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 1-5, 2002 3 (2002) 512-517.
Singer, Brett C, Alfred T Hodgson, and William W Nazaroff."Effect of sorption on exposures to organic gases from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002, The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Qualtiy and Climate, Monterey, CA 2 (2002) 138-143.
Fisk, William J."How IAQ affects health, productivity."ASHRAE Journal 44 (2002) 56, 58-60.
Prill, Richard J, and William J Fisk."Long Term Performance of Radon Mitigation Systems."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA 2 (2002) 641-646.
Russell, Marion L, Regine Goth-Goldstein, Michael G Apte, and William J Fisk."Method for measuring the size distribution of airborne rhinovirus."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA 1 (2002) 40-45.