Publications By Research Area
Apte, Michael G, William J Fisk, and Joan M Daisey."Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and SBS in Office Workers."Healthy Buildings 2000, August 6-10, 2000
Apte, Michael G, William J Fisk, and Joan M Daisey."Associations between Indoor CO2 Concentrations and Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms in US Office Buildings: An Analysis of the 1994-1996 BASE Study Data."Indoor Air
10.4 (2000) 246-257. DOI
Apte, Michael G, and Joan M Daisey."VOCs and "Sick Building Syndrome": Application of a New Statistical Approach for SBS Research to U.S. EPA BASE Study Data."Indoor Air '99, August 8-13, 1999
1 (1999) 117-112.
Brinke, Joann Ten, Steve Selvin, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, Catherine P Koshland, and Joan M Daisey."Development of new VOC exposure metrics and their relationship to sick building syndrome symptoms."Indoor Air
8.3 (1998) 140-152. DOI
Brinke, Joann Ten, Steve Selvin, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, Catherine P Koshland, and Joan M Daisey."Development of new volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure metrics and their relationship to "sick building syndrome" symptoms."Indoor Air
8.3 (1998) 140-152. DOI
Mendell, Mark J, William J Fisk, James A Deddens, William G Seavey, Allan H Smith, Daniel F Smith, Alfred T Hodgson, Joan M Daisey, and Lynn R Goldman."Elevated Symptom Prevalence Associated with Ventilation Type in Office Buildings."Epidemiology
7.6 (1996) 583-589.
Daisey, Joan M, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, and Joann Ten Brinke."Volatile Organic Compounds in Twelve California Office Buildings: Classes, Concentrations and Sources."Atmospheric Environment
28.22 (1994) 3557-3562. DOI
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, Mark J Mendell, Douglas P Sullivan, Alfred T Hodgson, Janet M Macher, Michael Boyle, Katherine Chow, Joan M Daisey, Francis J Offermann, and Steven Loiselle."Phase 2 of the California Healthy Building Study: A Status Report."
Fisk, William J, Mark J Mendell, Joan M Daisey, David Faulkner, Alfred T Hodgson, Albert Nematollahi, and Janet M Macher."Phase 1 of the California Healthy Building Study: A Summary."Indoor Air
3.4 (1993) 246-254. DOI
Fisk, William J, Mark J Mendell, Joan M Daisey, David Faulkner, Alfred T Hodgson, and Janet M Macher."The California Healthy Building Study, Phase 1: A Summary."The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 4-8, 1993
Proceedings of Indoor Air '93 (1993).