Publications By Research Area
Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer M Dutton, Wanyu R Chan, and Brett C Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
Tang, Hao, Yong Ding, Xue Liu, and Brett C Singer."Investigating the influence of environmental information on perceived indoor environmental quality: An exploratory study."Journal of Building Engineering
48 (2022). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Hao Tang, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Factors Impacting Range Hood Use in California Houses and Low-Income Apartments."International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
17 (2020). DOI
Tang, Hao, Yong Ding, and Brett C Singer."Post-occupancy evaluation of indoor environmental quality in ten nonresidential buildings in Chongqing, China."Journal of Building Engineering
32.November (2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California."
(2020). DOI
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, and Tunga Salthammer."Does vaping affect indoor air quality?."Indoor Air
30.5 (2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Measured Performance of Over the Range Microwave Range Hoods."
Fisk, William J, Brett C Singer, and Wanyu R Chan."Association of Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofits with Indoor Environmental Quality, Comfort, and Health: A Review of Empirical Data."Building and Environment
(2020). DOI
Delp, William W, and Brett C Singer."Wildfire Smoke Adjustment Factors for Low-Cost and Professional PM2.5 Monitors with Optical Sensors."Sensors
(2020). DOI
Wang, Zhiqiang, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Performance of low-cost indoor air quality monitors for PM2.5 and PM10 from residential sources."Building and Environment
171 (2020). DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Sangeetha Kumar, Alexandra L Johnson, and Brett C Singer."Simulations of short-term exposure to NO2 and PM2.5 to inform capture efficiency standards."
Chan, Wanyu R, Xiwang Li, Brett C Singer, Theresa Pistochini, David Vernon, Sarah Outcault, Angela Sanguinetti, and Mark Modera."Ventilation rates in California classrooms: Why many recent HVAC retrofits are not delivering sufficient ventilation."Building and Environment
167.January 2020 (2020). DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Yang-Seon Kim, Brennan Less, Brett C Singer, and Iain S Walker."Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes with Gas Appliances and Mechanical Ventilation."
Dobbin, Nina A, Liu Sun, Lance A Wallace, Ryan Kulka, Hongyu You, Tim Shin, Daniel Aubin, Melissa St-Jean, and Brett C Singer."The benefit of kitchen exhaust fan use after cooking - An experimental assessment."Building and Environment
135 (2018). DOI
Walker, Iain S, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."39th AIVC Conference
Chan, Wanyu R, Yang-Seon Kim, Brett C Singer, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Healthy Efficient New Gas Homes (HENGH) Field Study Protocol."
Chan, Wanyu R, Randy L Maddalena, J Chris Stratton, Toshifumi Hotchi, Brett C Singer, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Healthy Efficient New Gas Homes (HENGH) Pilot Test Results."
Mullen, N A, J Li, Marion L Russell, Michael Spears, Brennan Less, and Brett C Singer."Results of the California Healthy Homes Indoor Air Quality Study of 2011–2013: impact of natural gas appliances on air pollutant concentrations."Indoor Air
26 (2016). DOI
Logue, Jennifer M, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."A Method for Quantifying the Acute Health Impacts of Residential Non-Biological Exposure Via Inhalation."
Mullen, Nasim A, Jina Li, and Brett C Singer."Impact of Natural Gas Appliances on Pollutant Levels in California Homes."
Logue, Jennifer M, Thomas E McKone, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Hazard Assessment of Chemical Air Contaminants Measured in Residences."Indoor Air
21.2 (2011) 92-109. DOI
Noris, Federico, Brett C Singer, and William J Fisk."Indoor environment quality and energy retrofits in low-income apartments: retrofit selection protocol."Indoor Air 2011
Logue, Jennifer M, Phillip N Price, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Benefits and Energy Costs of Mechanical Ventilation."Proceedings of the 2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st Tightvent Conference, Toward Optimal Airtightness Performance
Logue, Jennifer M, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Health Hazards in Indoor Air."Proceedings of 2010 31st AIVC Conference, Low Energy and Sustainable Ventilation Technologies for Green Buildings
Nazaroff, William W, and Brett C Singer."Inhalation of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Environmental Tobacco Smoke in US Residences."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) S71-77.