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Bennett, Deborah H, A L James, Thomas E McKone, and Curtis M Oldenburg."On uncertainty in remediation analysis: variance propagation for subsurface transport to exposure modeling."Reliability Engineering and System Safety
62.1-2 (1998) 117-129. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Robert A Harley, David Littlejohn, Jerry Ho, and Thu Vo."Scaling of infrared remote sensor measurements for motor vehicle emission inventory calculations."Environmental Science &Technology
32.21 (1998) 3241-3248. DOI
Chen, Allan, and Edward L Vine."A Scoping Study on the Costs of Indoor Air Quality Illnesses: An Insurance Loss Reduction Perspective."
Daisey, Joan M."A Report on the Workshop on Improving Exposure Analysis for DOE Sites September 1996, San Francisco, CA."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
8 (1998) 3-7.
Faulkner, David, William J Fisk, Douglas P Sullivan, James M Thomas Jr, and Andrew K Persily."Characterizing Building Ventilation with the Pollutant Concentration Index: Results from Field Studies."Proceedings of the ASHRAE IAQ and Energy 1998
(1998) 27-35.
Faulkner, David, William J Fisk, Ashok J Gadgil, and Douglas P Sullivan."Demonstration and Field Test of air jacket technology."
Brinke, Joann Ten, Steve Selvin, Alfred T Hodgson, William J Fisk, Mark J Mendell, Catherine P Koshland, and Joan M Daisey."Development of new volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure metrics and their relationship to "sick building syndrome" symptoms."Indoor Air
8.3 (1998) 140-152. DOI
Bennett, Deborah H, Thomas E McKone, Michael Matthies, and William E Kastenberg."General formulation of characteristic travel distance for semivolatile chemicals in a multimedia environment."Environmental Science and Technology
32 (1998) 4023-4030. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, and Agnes Bodnar."Improved Landfill Simulations Based on the CalTOX Framework."
Apte, Michael G, Anthony V Nero, and Kenneth L Revzan."LBL Meteorological Database for the United States."
Van Loy, Michael D, William W Nazaroff, and Joan M Daisey."Nicotine as a Marker for Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Implications of Sorption on Indoor Surface Materials."Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
48 (1998) 959-968.
Fisk, William J, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Potential Nationwide Improvements in Productivity and Health from Better Indoor Environments."Proceedings of the 1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy and Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
8 (1998) 85-97.
Fisk, William J, and Anibal T De Almeida."Sensor based demand controlled ventilation: a review."Energy and Buildings
29 (1998) 35-44.
Daisey, Joan M, and William J Angell."Survey and Critical Review of the Literature on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Health Symptoms in Schools."
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, Douglas P Sullivan, Maxia Dong, Carole Dabrowski, James J Thomas Jr, Mark J Mendell, Cynthia J Hines, Avima M Ruder, and Mark F Boeniger."The healthy building intervention study: Objectives, methods and results of Selected Environment Measurements."
Fisk, William J, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."The indoor environment -- productivity and health -- and $$$."Planning for Energy and the Environment
17 (1998) 53-57.
Dowdy, Deanna L, and Thomas E McKone."Predicting the Bioconcentration of Organic Chemicals from Soil or Air into Plants Using Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships."Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
16.12 (1997) 2448-2456. DOI
Hering, Susanne V, Lara A Gundel, and Joan M Daisey."A microslot impactor for organic aerosol sampling."Journal of Aerosol Science
28.7 (1997) 1283-1290. DOI
Gundel, Lara A, and Anthony D Hansen."Real-time measurement of environmental tobacco smoke by ultraviolet absorption."Sixteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research, October 13-17, 1997
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Fisk, William J, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Estimates of Improved Productivity and Health from Better Indoor Environments."Indoor Air
7.3 (1997) 14. DOI
Apte, Michael G."Population based exposure assessment methodology for carbon monoxide: Development of a Carbon Monoxide Passive Sampler and Occupational Dosimeter."Environmental Health Sciences
(1997) 200.
Van Loy, Michael D, Victor C Lee, Lara A Gundel, Joan M Daisey, Richard G Sextro, and William W Nazaroff."Dynamic Behavior of Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air. 1. Nicotine in a Stainless Steel Chamber."Environmental Science and Technology
31.9 (1997) 2554-2561. DOI
McKone, Thomas E, and Randy L Maddalena."Soil Contamination and Human Exposure: A Comprehensive Assessment Framework."International Journal of Toxicology
16 (1997) 319-337.
Price, Phillip N."Predictions and Maps of County Mean Indoor Radon Concentrations in the Mid-Atlantic States."Health Physics
72.6 (1997) 893-906.
Fisk, William J, David Faulkner, Douglas P Sullivan, and Fred S Bauman."Air Change Effectiveness and Pollutant Removal Efficiency During Adverse Mixing Conditions."Indoor Air
7.1 (1997) 55-63. DOI