Publications: EAEI Environmental Science & Technology
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Fischer, Marc L, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Seongeun Jeong, Vi H Rapp, and Zhimin Zhu."An Estimate of Natural Gas Methane Emissions from California Homes."Environmental Science & Technology
(2018). DOI
Berdahl, Paul H, Sharon S Chen, Hugo Destaillats, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Ronnen M Levinson, and Michael A Zalich."Fluorescent Cooling of Objects Exposted to Sunlight - The Ruby Example."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
157 (2016) 312-317. DOI
Sleiman, Mohamad, Sharon S Chen, Haley E Gilbert, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Paul H Berdahl, Erica Bibian, Laura S Bruckman, Dominic Cremona, Roger H French, Devin A Gordon, Marco Emiliani, Justin Kable, Liyan Ma, Milena Martarelli, Riccardo Paolini, Matthew Prestia, John Renowden, Gian Marco Revel, Olivier Rosseler, Ming Shiao, Giancarolo Terraneo, Tammy Yang, Lingtao Yu, Michele Zinzi, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Hugo Destaillats."Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance – Part III: Interlaboratory study of an accelerated aging method for roofing materials."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
143 (2015) 581-590. DOI
Preble, Chelsea V, Odelle L Hadley, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Emissions and Climate-Relevant Optical Properties of Pollutants Emitted from a Three-Stone Fire and the Berkeley-Darfur Stove Tested under Laboratory Conditions."Environmental Science & Technology
48.11 (2014) 6484 - 6491. DOI
Wang, Yungang, Michael D Sohn, Yilun Wang, Kathleen M Lask, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Ashok J Gadgil."How many replicate tests are needed to test cookstove performance and emissions? – Three is not adequate."Energy for Sustainable Development
20 (2014) 21-29. DOI
Sleiman, Mohamad, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Paul H Berdahl, Haley E Gilbert, Sarah Quelen, Lea Marlot, Chelsea V Preble, Sharon S Chen, Amandine Montalbano, Olivier Rosseler, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Hugo Destaillats."Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance – Part II: Development of an accelerated aging method for roofing materials."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
122 (2014) 271-281. DOI
Wang, Yungang, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."How Many Replicates Are Sufficient for Characterizing Cookstove Emissions – A Case Study Using the Berkeley-Darfur Stove and Three Stone Fire."AAAR 31st Annual Conference
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, and Tracy L Thatcher."Contribution of organic carbon to wood smoke particulate matter absorption of solar radiation."Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
12.14 (2012) 6067-6072. DOI
Wang, Yungang, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Effect of Change in Cookstove Types on Visibility - Case Study of the Berkeley-Darfur Stove and Three-Stone Fire."
Maddalena, Randy L, Melissa M Lunden, Daniel L Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Jonathan L Slack, and Larry L Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Sleiman, Mohamad, George A Ban-Weiss, Haley E Gilbert, David François, Paul H Berdahl, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Hugo Destaillats, and Ronnen M Levinson."Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance—Part I: Analysis of roofing product databases."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
95.12 (2011) 3385-3399. DOI
Apte, Joshua S, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Alexander H Reich, Shyam J Deshpande, Geetanjali Kaushik, Arvind Chel, Julian D Marshall, and William W Nazaroff."Concentrations of fine, ultrafine, and black carbon particles in auto-rickshaws in New Delhi, India."Atmospheric Environment
45.26 (2011) 4470–4480. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, Srirupa Ganguly, Lara A Gundel, Arpad Horvath, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Melissa M Lunden, William F Tschudi, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Can combining economizers with improved filtration save energy and protect equipment in data centers?."Building and Environment
45.3 (2010) 718-726. DOI
Kirchstetter, Thomas W, Chelsea V Preble, Odelle L Hadley, and Ashok J Gadgil."Quantification of Black Carbon and Other Pollutant Emissions from a Traditional and an Improved Cookstove."
Strawa, Anthony W, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Anna G Hallar, George A Ban-Weiss, John P McLaughlin, Robert A Harley, and Melissa M Lunden."Optical and Physical Properties from Primary On-Road Vehicle Particle Emissions and Their Implications for Climate Change."Journal of Aerosol Science
41.1 (2009) 36-50. DOI
Veltman, Karin, Thomas E McKone, Mark Huijbregts, and A. A Jan Hendricks."Bioaccumulation Potential Of Air Contaminants: Combining Biological Allometry, Chemical Equilibrium And Mass-Balances To Predict Accumulation Of Air Pollutants In Various Mammals."Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
238.1 (2009) 47-55. DOI
Ban-Weiss, George A, Melissa M Lunden, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Robert A Harley."Measurement of Black Carbon and Particle Number Emission Factors from Individual Heavy-Duty Trucks."Environmental Science and Technology
43.5 (2009) 1419-1424. DOI
Shehabi, Arman, William W Nazaroff, Arpad Horvath, Ashok J Gadgil, and Edward A Arens."Energy Demands and Efficiency Strategies in Data Center Buildings."Civil and Environmental Engineering
(2009) 275.
McKone, Thomas E, Louis J Thibodeaux, and Donald Mackay."Mass Transport within Soils."Environmental Mass Transfer Handbook
Ban-Weiss, George A, Melissa M Lunden, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Robert A Harley."Size-Resolved Particle Number and Volume Emission Factors for On-Road Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles."Journal of Aerosol Science
Kean, Andrew J, David Littlejohn, George A Ban-Weiss, Robert A Harley, Thomas W Kirchstetter, and Melissa M Lunden."Trends in On-Road Vehicle Emissions of Ammonia."Atmospheric Environment
43.8 (2008) 1565-1570. DOI
Schenker, Urs, Martin Scheringer, Michael D Sohn, Randy L Maddalena, Thomas E McKone, and Konrad Hungerbühler."Using Information on Uncertainty to Improve Environmental Fate Modeling: A Case Study on DDT."Environmental Science and Technology
43.1 (2008) 128-134.
Redding, Laurel E, Michael D Sohn, Thomas E McKone, Shu-Li Wang, Dennis P.H Hsieh, and Raymond S. H Yang."Population Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling for the Human Lactational Transfer of PCB 153 with Consideration of Worldwide Human Biomonitoring Results."Environmental Health Perspectives
116.12 (2008) 1629-1634.
Gadgil, Ashok J, Michael D Sohn, Priya Sreedharan, Carlos Borrego, and Anna Isabel Miranda."Rapid Data Assimilation in the Indoor Environment: theory and examples from real-time interpretation of indoor plumes of airborne chemicals."Air Pollution Modeling and its Applicatiion XIX
(2008) 263-277.
Lunden, Melissa M, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tracy L Thatcher, Susanne V Hering, and Nancy J Brown."Factors affecting the indoor concentrations of carbonaceous aerosols of outdoor origin."Atmospheric Environment
42.22 (2007) 5660-5671. DOI