Publications By Research Area
Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer M Dutton, Wanyu R Chan, and Brett C Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
Dillon, Michael B, Richard G Sextro, and William W Delp."Protecting building occupants against the inhalation of outdoor-origin aerosols."Atmospheric Environment
268 (2022). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Hao Tang, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Factors Impacting Range Hood Use in California Houses and Low-Income Apartments."International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
17 (2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California."
(2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Measured Performance of Over the Range Microwave Range Hoods."
Delp, William W, and Brett C Singer."Wildfire Smoke Adjustment Factors for Low-Cost and Professional PM2.5 Monitors with Optical Sensors."Sensors
(2020). DOI
Wang, Zhiqiang, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Performance of low-cost indoor air quality monitors for PM2.5 and PM10 from residential sources."Building and Environment
171 (2020). DOI
Sohn, Michael D, William W Delp, Richard N Fry, and Yang-Seon Kim."Analysis of a series of urban-scale chlorine dispersion experiments and implications on indoor health consequences."Atmospheric Environment
212 (2019) 83 - 89. DOI
Walker, Iain S, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."39th AIVC Conference