Publications By Research Area
X Author: William J Riley
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Assessing the Influence of Climate Variability on Atmospheric Concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants Using a Global-Scale Mass Balance Model (BETR-Global)."Environmental Science & Technology
39 (2005) 6749-6756.
Macleod, Matthew, William J Riley, and Thomas E McKone."Modeling transport and deposition of level 1 substances to the great lakes."
Marshall, Julian D, William J Riley, Thomas E McKone, and William W Nazaroff."Intake fraction of primary pollutants: Motor vehicle emissions in the South Coast Air Basin."Atmospheric Environment
37 (2003) 3455-3468.
McKone, Thomas E, Tracy L Thatcher, William J Fisk, Richard G Sextro, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, and William J Riley."Factors affecting the concentration of outdoor particles indoors: existing data and data needs."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 176-181.
Riley, William J, Thomas E McKone, Alvin C.K Lai, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor particulate matter of outdoor origin: importance of size-dependent removal mechanisms."Environmental Science & Technology
36 (2002) 200-207. DOI
Thatcher, Tracy L, Thomas E McKone, William J Fisk, Michael D Sohn, William W Delp, William J Riley, and Richard G Sextro."Factors Affecting the Concentration of Outdoor Particles Indoors (COPI): Identification of Data Needs and Existing Data."
Riley, William J, Allen L Robinson, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Effects of variable wind speed and direction on radon transport from soil into buildings: model development and exploratory results."Atmospheric Environment
33.14 (1999) 2157-2168. DOI
Robinson, Allen L, Richard G Sextro, and William J Riley."Soil-Gas Entry Into Houses Driven By Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations -- the Influence of Soil Properties."Atmospheric Environment
31 (1997) 1487-1495.
Riley, William J, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Wind-Induced Ground-Surface Pressures Around a Single-Family House."Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
61.2-3 (1996) 153 - 167. DOI
Riley, William J, William J Fisk, and Ashok J Gadgil."Regional and National Estimates of the Potential Energy Use, Energy Cost, and CO2 Emissions Associated with Radon Mitigation by Sub-Slab Depressurization."Energy and Buildings
24 (1996) 203-212.
Riley, William J, Ashok J Gadgil, Yves C Bonnefous, and William W Nazaroff."The Effect of Steady Winds on Radon Entry into Houses."Atmospheric Environment
30 (1996) 1167-1176.
Fisk, William J, Richard J Prill, John D Wooley, William J Fisk, Yves C Bonnefous, Ashok J Gadgil, and William J Riley."New Methods of Energy Efficient Radon Mitigation."Health Physics
68.5 (1995) 689-698.
Riley, William J, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Wind-induced Ground Pressures Around a Single-family House."Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
61 (1995) 153-167.