Publications By Research Area
X Author: Sebastian Cohn
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California."
(2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Indoor Air Quality in New and Renovated Low‐Income Apartments with Mechanical Ventilation and Natural Gas Cooking in California."Indoor Air
(2020). DOI
Singer, Brett C, Brennan Less, William W Delp, Andrew D Brooks, Sebastian Cohn, and Brian Finn."A Field Study of Wall Furnace Venting and Coincident Exhaust Fan Usage in 16 Northern CA Apartments."
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."A longitudinal study of ventilation rates in California office buildings and self-reported occupant outcomes including respiratory illness absence."
92 (2015). DOI
Montesinos, V Nahuel, Mohamad Sleiman, Sebastian Cohn, Marta I Litter, and Hugo Destaillats."Detection and quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in indoor air."Talanta
138 (2015) 20-27. DOI
Frey, Sarah E, Hugo Destaillats, Sebastian Cohn, Sherry Ahrentzen, and Matthew P Fraser."Characterization of indoor air quality and resident health in an Arizona senior housing apartment building."Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
64 (2014) 1251-1259. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Sebastian Cohn, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Contaminant levels, source strengths, and ventilation rates in California retail stores."Indoor Air
25.4 (2014) 381-392. DOI
Destaillats, Hugo, Meera A Sidheswaran, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Laboratory and Field Demonstration of Energy Efficient VOC Removal Using a Manganese Oxide Catalyst at Room Temperature."Indoor Air 2014
Chan, Wanyu R, Meera A Sidheswaran, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."Healthy Zero Energy Buildings (HZEB) Program – Cross-Sectional Study of Contaminant Levels, Source, Strengths, and Ventilation Rates in Retail Stores."
Mendell, Mark J, Ekaterina Eliseeva, Michael Spears, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."A Prospective Study of Ventilation Rates and Illness Absence in California Office Buildings."
Fisk, William J, Sebastian Cohn, Hugo Destaillats, Victor Henzel, Meera A Sidheswaran, and Douglas P Sullivan."Integrated Technology Air Cleaners (ITAC): Design and Evaluation."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Wenhao Chen, Agatha Chang, Robert Miller, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, William J Fisk, Kazukiyo Kumagai, and Hugo Destaillats."Formaldehyde Emissions from Ventilation Filters Under Different Relative Humidity Conditions."Environmental Science and Technology
47.10 (2013) 5336-5343. DOI
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and Lara A Gundel."Performance Evaluation of Real Time Formaldehyde Monitors: PTR-MS and Interscan 4160-500B Portable Monitor."
Lunden, Melissa M, David Faulkner, Elizabeth Heredia, Sebastian Cohn, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Federico Noris, Jennifer M Logue, Toshifumi Hotchi, Brett C Singer, and Max H Sherman."Experiments to Evaluate and Implement Passive Tracer Gas Methods to Measure Ventilation Rates in Homes."
Chan, Wanyu R, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Contaminant levels and source strengths in U.S. retail stores — A pilot study."Healthy Buildings 2012 - 10th International Conference
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Hugo Destaillats, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Energy efficient indoor VOC air cleaning with activated carbon fiber (ACF) filters."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Meera A Sidheswaran, Douglas P Sullivan, Sebastian Cohn, and William J Fisk."Healthy Zero Energy Buildings (HZEB) Program– Interim Report on Cross‐Sectional Study of Contaminant Levels, Source Strengths, and Ventilation Rates in Retail Stores."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Hugo Destaillats, Sebastian Cohn, Douglas P Sullivan, and William J Fisk."New Air Cleaning Strategies for Reduced Commercial Building Ventilation Energy – FY11 Final Report."