Publications By Research Area
X Author: Richard G Sextro
Ruzer, Lev S, and Richard G Sextro."Assessment of Very Low Aerosol Concentrations by Measuring the Unattached Fraction of 218Po."Radiation Protection Dosimetry
71 (1997) 135-140.
Ruzer, Lev S, and Richard G Sextro."Measurement of Radon Decay Products in Air by Alpha- and Beta-Spectrometry."Radiation Protection Dosimetry
72 (1997) 43-48.
Robinson, Allen L, and Richard G Sextro."Radon Entry into Buildings Driven by Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations."Environmental Science & Technology
31 (1997) 1742-1748.
Robinson, Allen L, Richard G Sextro, and William J Riley."Soil-Gas Entry Into Houses Driven By Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations -- the Influence of Soil Properties."Atmospheric Environment
31 (1997) 1487-1495.
Garbesi, Karina, Richard G Sextro, Allen L Robinson, John D Wooley, Jonathan A Owens, and William W Nazaroff."Scale Dependence of Soil Permeability to Air: Measurement Method and Field Investigation."Water Resources Research
32.3 (1996) 547-560. DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Abra J Bentley, Kristie A Dunkin, Alfred T Hodgson, William W Nazaroff, Richard G Sextro, and Joan M Daisey."Factors Affecting Indoor Air Concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds at a Site of Subsurface Gasoline Contamination."Environmental Science and Technology
30.10 (1996) 2948-2957. DOI
Van Loy, Michael D, William W Nazaroff, Victor C Lee, Lara A Gundel, Richard G Sextro, and Joan M Daisey."Investigation of the fate of nicotine in a stainless-steel chamber."Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN
Robinson, Allen L, Richard G Sextro, and William J Fisk."Soil gas entry into an experimental basement driven by atmospheric pressure fluctuations, measurements, spectral analysis, and model comparison."Atmospheric Environment
31 (1996) 1477-1485.
Robinson, Allen L, and Richard G Sextro."Direct measurements of soil-gas entry into an experimental basement driven by atmospheric pressure fluctuations."Geophysical Research Letters
22 (1995) 1929-1932.
Robinson, Allen L, and Richard G Sextro."The Influence of a Subslab Gravel Layer and Open Area on Soil-Gas and Radon Entry into Two Experimental Basements."Health Physics
69 (1995) 367-377.
Xu, Mindi, Matty Nematollahi, Richard G Sextro, Ashok J Gadgil, and William W Nazaroff."Deposition of Tobacco Smoke Particles in a Low Ventilation Room."Aerosol Science and Technology
20.2 (1994) 194 - 206. DOI