Publications By Research Area
Logue, Jennifer M, Melissa M Lunden, and Brett C Singer."Development and Application of a Physics-Based Simulation Model to Investigate Residential PM2.5 Composition and Size Distribution Across the US."
Maddalena, Randy L, Melissa M Lunden, Daniel L Wilson, Cristina Ceballos, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Jonathan L Slack, and Larry L Dale."Quantifying Stove Emissions Related to Different Use Patterns for the Silver‐mini (Small Turkish) Space Heating Stove."
Sidheswaran, Meera A, Regina N Williams, Lara A Gundel, Melissa M Lunden, William J Fisk, Michael G Apte, and Hugo Destaillats."Characterization Of Reaction Products And Ultrafine Particles From Ozone-initiated Chemistry On Filters From Ventilation Systems In Commercial Buildings."12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, June 5-10, 2011
Coleman, Beverly K, Melissa M Lunden, Hugo Destaillats, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary organic aerosol from ozone-initiated reactions with terpene-rich household products."Atmospheric Environment
42.35 (2008) 8234–8245. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Beverly K Coleman, Hugo Destaillats, Alfred T Hodgson, Melissa M Lunden, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor secondary pollutants from cleaning product and air freshener use in the presence of ozone."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 6696-6710.
Destaillats, Hugo, Melissa M Lunden, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor Secondary Pollutants from Household Product Emissions in the Presence of Ozone: A Bench-Scale Chamber Study."Environmental Science and Technology
40 (2006) 4421-4428.
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Melissa M Lunden, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary Pollutants From Cleaning Products And Air Fresheners In The Presence Of Ozone."Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005
2(9) (2005) 2081-2085.
Thatcher, Tracy L, Melissa M Lunden, Kenneth L Revzan, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."A concentration rebound method for measuring particle penetration and deposition in the indoor environment."Aerosol Science & Technology
37 (2003) 847-864.
Fischer, Marc L, Melissa M Lunden, Tracy L Thatcher, David Littlejohn, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Susanne V Hering, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."Building a predictive model of indoor concentrations of outdoor PM-2.5 for a residential research house in Clovis, California."
Thatcher, Tracy L, Melissa M Lunden, Kenneth L Revzan, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."Experimental investigation of the effect of changes in house environment on the indoor concentration of particles of outdoor origin within a residence."
Hering, Susanne V, Melissa M Lunden, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Tracy L Thatcher, Kenneth L Revzan, Richard G Sextro, Nancy J Brown, John G Watson, and Judith C Chow."Indoor, Outdoor And Regional Profiles Of Pm2.5 Sulfate, Nitrate And Carbon."9th International Conference on Indoor Air 2002
1 (2002) 874-879.
Fischer, Marc L, Melissa M Lunden, Tracy L Thatcher, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."Predicting Indoor PM2.5 Of Outdoor Origin: Testing a transient size-resolved Model Using Intensive Measurements From A Residence."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 152-157.
Thatcher, Tracy L, Melissa M Lunden, Richard G Sextro, Susanne V Hering, and Nancy J Brown."The effect of penetration factor, deposition, and environmental factors on the indoor concentration of pm2.5 sulfate, nitrate, and carbon."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
1 (2002) 846-851.
Lunden, Melissa M, Tracy L Thatcher, David Littlejohn, Marc L Fischer, Susanne V Hering, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."The Transformation Of Outdoor Ammonium Nitrate Aerosols In The Indoor Environment."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002 Conference, Monterey, CA
5 (2002) 74-79.
Thatcher, Tracy L, Melissa M Lunden, Marc L Fischer, James D Fine, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Susanne V Hering, Richard G Sextro, and Nancy J Brown."A Concentration Rebound Method For Measuring Particle Penetration Into A Residence, Section 12A1."Proceedings of the 19th Annual American Association for Aerosol Research, St. Louis, MO