Publications By Research Area
X Author: Lev S Ruzer
Ruzer, Lev S, and Michael G Apte."Unattached radon progeny as an experimental tool for dosimetry of nanoaerosols: Proposed method and research strategy."Inhalation Toxicology
22 (2010) 760-766.
Ruzer, Lev S, and Michael G Apte."Radon Progeny as a experimental tool for dosimetry of nanoaerosols."Radiation Biology. Radioecology (Russian)
49.3 (2009) 395-404.
Gundel, Lara A, Richard G Sextro, Lev S Ruzer, and Naomi H Harley."Aerosol physics and chemistry: indoor perspective, Chapter 10."Aerosol Handbook: Measurement, Dosimetry and Health Effects
(2005) 189-224.
Price, Phillip N, Lev S Ruzer, and Naomi H Harley."Assessing uncertainties in the relationship between inhaled particle concentration, internal deposition and health effects, Chapter 9."Aerosols Handbook: Measurement, Dosimetry and Health Effects
(2005) 157-188.
Ruzer, Lev S, and Richard G Sextro."Assessment of Very Low Aerosol Concentrations by Measuring the Unattached Fraction of 218Po."Radiation Protection Dosimetry
71 (1997) 135-140.
Ruzer, Lev S, and Richard G Sextro."Measurement of Radon Decay Products in Air by Alpha- and Beta-Spectrometry."Radiation Protection Dosimetry
72 (1997) 43-48.