Publications By Research Area
X Author: Christine A Erdmann
Mendell, Mark J, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, Myrna Cozen, Howard S Brightman, Michael G Apte, Christine A Erdmann, Gregory Brunner, and John R Girman."Indoor Environmental Risk Factors for Occupant Symptoms in 100 U.S. Office Buildings: Summary of Three Analyses from the EPA BASE Study."Healthy Buildings 2006 Conference
111 (2006) 371-376.
Mendell, Mark J, Myrna Cozen, Quanhong Lei-Gomez, Howard S Brightman, Christine A Erdmann, John R Girman, Susan E Womble, and Quanhong Lei."Indicators Of Moisture And Ventilation System Contamination In U.S. Office Buildings as Risk Factors for Respiratory and Mucous Membrane Symptoms: Analyses of the EPA Base Data."10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
5(6) (2005) 3763-3767.
Kalantzi, Olga I, F. F Reber Brown, Christine A Erdmann, Maira Caleffi, Regine Goth-Goldstein, and Myrto Petreas."Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in human breast adipose tissue samples from Brazil."Organohalogen Compounds
67 (2005) 479-481.
Erdmann, Christine A, and Michael G Apte."Associations of Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Environmental Susceptibilities with Mucous Membrane and Lower Respiratory Building Related Symptoms in the BASE Study: Analyses of the 100 Building Dataset."Indoor Air
14.Suppl 8 (2004) 127-134. DOI
Erdmann, Christine A, William A Satariano, and Ying Qing Chen."Traditional risk factor study (TRiFS): Preliminary report on risk factor prevalence and population attributable fraction estimates for breast cancer in Marin County, California."
Erdmann, Christine A, Georgianna Farren, Kimberly Baltzell, Terri Chew, Cynthia Clarkson, Ruth Fleshman, Colin Leary, Mary Mizroch, Fern Orenstein, Marion L Russell, Virginia Souders-Mason, and Margaret Wrensch."Breast Cancer and Personal Environmental Risk Factors in Marin County -- Pilot Study."
Apte, Michael G, and Christine A Erdmann."Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations, VOCs, Environmental Sensitivity Association with Mucous Membrane and Lower Respiratory Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms in the Base Study: Analyses of the 100 Building Dataset."
Erdmann, Christine A, Kate C Steiner, and Michael G Apte."Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms in the Base Study Revisited: Analyses of the 100 Building Dataset."Indoor Air 2002, June 30 - July 5, 2002
3 (2002) 443-448.