Publications By Research Area
Kim, Janice J, Svetlana Smorodinsky, Michael Lipsett, Alfred T Hodgson, Brett C Singer, and Bart Ostro."Traffic-related Air Pollution near Busy Road: The East Bay Children's Respiratory Health Study."American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
170.5 (2004) 520-526. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Alfred T Hodgson, Toshifumi Hotchi, and Janice J Kim."Passive measurement of nitrogen oxides to assess traffic-related pollutant exposure for the East Bay Children's Respiratory Health Study."Atmospheric Environment
38.3 (2004) 393-403. DOI
Apte, Michael G, Lara A Gundel, S. S Katharine Hammond, Raymond L Dod, Marion L Russell, Brett C Singer, Michael D Sohn, Douglas P Sullivan, Gee-Minn Chang, and Richard G Sextro."Indoor measurements of environmental tobacco smoke."
Nazaroff, William W, and Brett C Singer."Inhalation of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Environmental Tobacco Smoke in US Residences."Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology
14 (2004) S71-77.
Hodgson, Alfred T, Katherine Y Ming, and Brett C Singer."Quantifying object and material surface areas in residences."
Singer, Brett C, Kenneth L Revzan, Toshifumi Hotchi, Alfred T Hodgson, and Nancy J Brown."Sorption of organic gases in a furnished room."Atmospheric Environment
38.16 (2004) 2483-2494.
Singer, Brett C, Alfred T Hodgson, and William W Nazaroff."Gas-phase organics in environmental tobacco smoke: 2. Exposure-relevant emission factors and indiret exposures from habitual smoking."Atmospheric Environment
37.39-40 (2003) 5551-5561.
Singer, Brett C, Alfred T Hodgson, Karla S Guevarra, Elisabeth L Hawley, and William W Nazaroff."Gas-Phase Organics in Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 1. Effects of Smoking Rate, Ventilation, and Furnishing Level on Emission Factors."Environmental Science & Technology
36.5 (2002) 846-853. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Kenneth L Revzan, Alfred T Hodgson, and Nancy J Brown."A predictive model for determining indoor concentrations of outdoor volatile organic compound air toxics."
Webb, A.M, William W Nazaroff, and Brett C Singer."Effect of gaseous ammonia on nicotine sorption."Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, July 1-5, 2002
3 (2002) 512-517.
Singer, Brett C, Alfred T Hodgson, and William W Nazaroff."Effect of sorption on exposures to organic gases from environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)."Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2002, The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Qualtiy and Climate, Monterey, CA
2 (2002) 138-143.
Wenzel, Thomas P, Brett C Singer, and Robert R Slott."Some Issues in the Statistical Analysis of Vehicle Emissions."Journal of Transportation and Statistics
3.2 (2000) 1-14.
Apte, Michael G, Lara A Gundel, Brett C Singer, Douglas P Sullivan, and Richard G Sextro."Indoor Transport of ETS Particles And Tracers."Proceedings of the Indoor Air '99 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
2 (1999) 965-970.