Iain Walker

Iain Walker

Leader of the Residential Buildings team at LBNL with annual research funding over $5 million. ASHRAE Fellow. Leader and developer on standards and technical committees for ASHRAE, ASTM, RESNET, IEC, the IEA and other national and international organizations. Board member of IEA Annex 5 Air Infiltration and Ventilation Center. Deputy department head for Whole Building Systems Department of BTUS and research coordinator for US Department of Energy Residential Buildings Research for LBNL. Leader of DOE core National Laboratory IAQ team. Authored over fifty journal articles, eighty conference papers and seventy research reports.

Contact Information

Phone: 510-486-4692

Curriculum Vitae



Mechanical Engineering, BSc, University Of Alberta, 1986
Mechanical Engineering, MSc, University Of Alberta, 1989
Mechanical Engineering, PhD, University Of Alberta, 1993


Societal Impact Award -  October 4th 2019

2019 Societal Impact

Citation: In recognition of the Residential Ventilation Team’s scientific research and development of technologies, practices, and standards for residential ventilation that have made millions of homes healthier and more comfortable.

Spot: Rich Brown, Howdy Goudey, Paul Mathew, Iain Walker and Teresa Williams -  September 11th 2017

Participation as a Lab Mentor for the first-ever Berkeley Lab Energy Design Challenge.

2014-2015 Service to ASHRAE Research Award -  January 23rd 2015

Iain Walker received a research award based on his contributions to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) technical committees in the area of research, particularly with TC 4.3, a project that addresses ventilation requirements and infiltration.

2014 ASHRAE Award for Technical Paper -  June 28th 2014

A group of EETD and other researchers received an ASHRAE award for the paper  “Energy Implications of In-Line Filtration in California Homes.” Dickerhoff is a principal research associate, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California; Faulkner, of Lafayette, California, is retired from Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory.; Turner is a research fellow, Trinity College, Dublin; Walker is a group leader, residential building systems, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California.

Building America's Housing Innovation Award -  October 4th 2013

The U.S. Department of Energy recognized Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the area of advanced technologies and practices for research on high-efficiency furnace blowers. The project team consisted of Iain Walker, Darryl Dickerhoff and Jim Lutz of the Environmental Energy Technologies Division.  Their work is credited with leading to the incorporation of energy-efficient blowers in U.S. energy efficiency programs and building codes, and the creation of a Canadian standard for rating air system blowers.

2011 Elected ASHRAE Fellow -  January 23rd 2012

Iain Walker, Deputy of the Residential Building Systems Group, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Alumni Horizon Award from the University of Alberta -  September 9th 2003

This award recognizes the outstanding achievements of alumni early in their career.
