Publications By Research Area
X Author: Chelsea V Preble
Singer, Brett C, Haoran Zhao, Chelsea V Preble, William W Delp, Jovan Pantelic, Michael D Sohn, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Measured Influence of Overhead HVAC on Exposure to Airborne Contaminants from Simulated Speaking in a Meeting and a Classroom."Indoor Air
(2021). DOI
Preble, Chelsea V, Sharon S Chen, Toshifumi Hotchi, Michael D Sohn, Randy L Maddalena, Marion L Russell, Nancy J Brown, Corinne D Scown, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Air Pollutant Emission Rates for Dry Anaerobic Digestion and Composting of Organic Municipal Solid Waste."Environmental Science & Technology
(2020). DOI
Preble, Chelsea V, Odelle L Hadley, Ashok J Gadgil, and Thomas W Kirchstetter."Emissions and Climate-Relevant Optical Properties of Pollutants Emitted from a Three-Stone Fire and the Berkeley-Darfur Stove Tested under Laboratory Conditions."Environmental Science & Technology
48.11 (2014) 6484 - 6491. DOI
Sleiman, Mohamad, Thomas W Kirchstetter, Paul H Berdahl, Haley E Gilbert, Sarah Quelen, Lea Marlot, Chelsea V Preble, Sharon S Chen, Amandine Montalbano, Olivier Rosseler, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Hugo Destaillats."Soiling of building envelope surfaces and its effect on solar reflectance – Part II: Development of an accelerated aging method for roofing materials."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
122 (2014) 271-281. DOI