Publications By Research Area
X Author: Charles J Weschler
Sundell, Jan, Hal Levin, William W Nazaroff, William S Cain, William J Fisk, David T Grimsrud, Finn Gyntelberg, Yuguo Li, Andrew K Persily, Anthony C Pickering, Jonathan M Samet, John D Spengler, Steven T Taylor, and Charles J Weschler."Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 191-204. DOI
Weschler, Charles J, Armin Wisthaler, Shannon Cowlin, Gyöngyi Tamás, Peter Strøm-Tejsen, Alfred T Hodgson, Hugo Destaillats, Jason Herrington, Junfeng Zhang, and William W Nazaroff."Ozone-initiated chemistry in an occupied simulated aircraft cabin."Environmental Science and Technology
41.17 (2007) 6177-6184. DOI
Singer, Brett C, Beverly K Coleman, Hugo Destaillats, Alfred T Hodgson, Melissa M Lunden, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor secondary pollutants from cleaning product and air freshener use in the presence of ozone."Atmospheric Environment
40 (2006) 6696-6710.
Destaillats, Hugo, Melissa M Lunden, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Indoor Secondary Pollutants from Household Product Emissions in the Presence of Ozone: A Bench-Scale Chamber Study."Environmental Science and Technology
40 (2006) 4421-4428.
Destaillats, Hugo, Brett C Singer, Beverly K Coleman, Melissa M Lunden, Alfred T Hodgson, Charles J Weschler, and William W Nazaroff."Secondary Pollutants From Cleaning Products And Air Fresheners In The Presence Of Ozone."Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate - Indoor Air 2005
2(9) (2005) 2081-2085.
Nagda, NL, William W Nazaroff, Ashok J Gadgil, and Charles J Weschler."Critique of the Use of Deposition Velocity in Modeling Indoor Air Quality."STP13101S Modeling of Indoor Air Quality and Exposure
(1993) 81-104. DOI